Self-assissement (Passive Voice)
I. Write the sentenses in Passive Voice, use the rule, translate into Russian:.
1 John Mills is preparing an expedition to the North Pole.
2.Many TV networks will film the expedition.
3. They shown the expedition on national television.
4. John Mills has bought all the necessery equipment.
5. Columbus discovered America.
6. You can read this text.
7.A police officer stopped our car.
8. She wrote an article in the newspaper.
9. They welcomed us in the exibition.
10. Our chef had served the dinner at 2 p.m.
II. Ask the questions in Passive:
1. My mother was born in Toronto,Canada
2. The house had built.
3. Edison invented the light bulb. (Who....)
4. Books are sold in the bookstore.
5. He had been written a very interesting love story.
1)Expedition to the North Pole is being prepeared by John Mills. - Экспедиция к серевному полюсу приготавливается Джоном Миллсом.
ОтветитьУдалить2)Film the expedition will been by many TV networks .
3) The expedition on national television was shown by them . - Экспедиции на национальном телевидинии были показаны ими.
4)All the necessery equipment has been bought by John Mills . - Всё оборудование было куплено Джоном Миллсом.
5)Amerika was discovered by Columbus.- Америка была открыта Колумбом.
6)This text could be ridden by yourself. - Этот текст может быть прочитан тобой.
7)Our car was stopped by a police officer - Наша машина была остоновлена полицейским оффицером.
8)An article in the newspaper was written by her. - Статья в газете была написана ею.
9) Exibition was welcomed us by them - Выставка приветствовала нас .
10)The dinner at 2 p.m had been served by our chef. - Ужин в два часа вечера был подан нам Шев-поваром .
1) Are my mother was born in Toronto , Canada ?
Моя мама родилась в Торонто , В Канаде ?
2)Is the house had built ?
-Здание было построено ?
3)Who were the light pulb evented by ?
Кем была изобретена лампочка?
4)Are books sold in the bookstore?
Книги были проданы в библиотеку?
5)Who were a very interesting love story written by ?
Кем была написана самая интересная любовная история?
8.v Игорь Цверкунов.